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I made the Hangglider Calendar for the 17th time. Still happy to have so much support all over the world.

Because of the Dutch promotion of hanggliding using the Calendar gets an additional perspective.

The last couple of years receiving enough photos is getting less complicated. In the past I needed 3 or 4 emails to get enough photos. These days 2 emails is enough.

I was late this year because of working on a new company called (Powerfull multi-language platform for event tickets with interesting price-per-ticket - 50cnt instead of 1 euro).

For the first time all the months are sponsored.

The webshop system OpenCart was slow, but was fixed by applying a VQMOD update.

No competitions and events are added because they are not known at the moment.

The idea to setup Hangglider NFT's from of the photos was a nice journey, but the result was zero... zero... zero ;-)


The format of the Calendar is back to A3. People liked the format from the past. It seems the Calendar got it's history now.

Because of Covid sending costs out Europe is higher because airplane costs are higher, because less airplanes are flying

Also new record in amount of Calendars send out.

The Calendar is back to the previous design and is A3.5 so it fits in a mailbox, this saves sending costs.

The Calendar was send pretty late from of January 15th 2020.

Release of promotional article: the Hanggliding Quartet. 9 Categories of great cards

Build a new Opencart webshop because the previous one was getting to slow and the server to expensive. Added onestepcheckout.


Already making the 12th Calendar.

New sponsors: Rotor & Icaro & Woody Valley

Added events like Flugmesse and the Coupe Icaro. Also competitions are added.


Enough photos received. Big photos more a bit artistic.


The design of the Calendar is done in Adobe Indesign. My friend Rick helped me out with making the template for this.

The bigger photo senders keep their free Calendar. 

Additional sponsors found at Camping Rio Verde & Mintgroen, Trike Valley & Airborne. 


The Facebook like action in 2013 was a big succes. This year a Facebook like action with 4 sponsors (4Fight MR Helmet sponsored by Icaro, Vaavud windmeter sponsored by Pancho Amelia, Magnetic Mount System sponsored by Drachenfliegen Lernen, Gift Voucher of A$ 500,- sponsored by Moyes) made pilots send more photos compared to other years. 13 photo senders will battle for these prices. All these senders get a free Calendar.


A commercial update of the Hangglider Calendar was necessary to keep a future for the Calendar.

A Magento Webshop is installed, including a state-of-the-art checkout procedure. This also includes Ideal for the Dutch Customers and MrCash for the Belgium customers. International customers can still pay with PayPal.

People sending pictures get more rewarded. The big picture of the month is rewarded with a free Calendar. The picture on the front is rewarded with an ISAW A1 Action Camera. This is made possible with the help of Pancho Amelia

The sending costs are reduced.

There are higher volume discounts and the sending costs are lower.


I found a sponsor for one year in Aircotec. With minor changes in the design I kept the great Calendar is it is.


I found an additional sponsor in the Forbes Flatlands and also I got a second dealer in Japan, Sports Opa Kita.

The biggest change of the 2011 Calendar is the change to offset printing. This means the Calendar is now printed in the highest quality available.


Before designing the Calendar it was the first time I had more pictures then places on the Calendar (12 times 4 pictures and one cover picture, which makes 49 pictures in total). I found more and more people who had made and want to share their beautifull pictures and now I was able to choose. I also found my first dealer at 'Drachenfliegen lernen' in Germany.


During this year I made a newsletter application to keep the administration of the emailaddresses easier. During the year I collected emailaddresses from pilots. I also found an additional sponsor with Wills Wing.


During this year I made the webshop to have a more easy administration. I also changed the design of the Calendar by making the front in Full Color. I kept the design of having 1 big picture and 3 smaller pictures, but changed the look-and-feel a bit. This way everybody is still able to send in their pictures. Because I wanted to make sure I had enough pictures and also there were more different pictures from more different places I wrote an email to a small group of foreign pilots. I got back a lot of nice pictures. On the Hangglider event in January I got an advice to add the photographers name and the location of the picture. I added this to the design of the Calendar. Also I found some others sponsors, Moyes, Icaro, Randonaero Adventures and de Buizerd. 


In the spring of 2007 I start making the Calendar as Paul Sloven and Bart Doets didn't have time anymore for making this Calendar. I liked to continue it, to make sure this unique Hangglider products continues to exist (which is till now still the reason I design this Calendar). I didn't change anything about the design, to make sure I learned and kept the concept.

Hanggliderschool 'the Flying Dutchman' was the sponsor for the whole Calendar.

Because Paul told me it was a lot of work to put the Calendar together on his printer, I managed to find a printercompany to put the Calendar together.

The sale of the Calendar was by using a webform. At my office I had different maps of printed orders which made a bit complex administration. 

Before 2007

The Hangglider Calendar started once as a project to have a nice Calendar on the wall. Hangglider pilots in Holland send their pictures to Paul Sloven and Bart Doets to have them make a Calendar. The Calendar was printed at the office of Paul on his personal A3 printer.